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I'm Nicole, I am a full time student trying to get back on track with my fitness and I am hoping to help others do the same.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

p90x Day 90 results!

This has truly been a life changing adventure for me. I have just noticed so much progress in my life that I never would have thought possible from an exercise program. I look (and feel!) like a completely different person!

Unexpected rewards:

Less back pain! I am a dental student and I often have to curl over myself to see what I am doing in the back of someone’s mouth. This led to pretty frequent lower back pain. This pain is now virtually nonexistent, which is amazing! (My boyfriend has even noticed me complaining less about it!) I guess spending three months strengthening your core really helps! Another way to look at it is this: I am now less prone to injury which means I am less likely to lose wages due to disability!

Less anxiety: I have always heard that exercise helps with this but I have never experienced this significantly before. This is most likely because I haven’t had an exercise program that I would commit to every day before. Now my anxiety has significantly decreased. It is an amazing feeling. In fact, I have only had one bad day recently and I had no idea why I was having trouble and my boyfriend said to me, “Well, when was the last time you worked out?” I responded, “Well Monday was my rest day and Tuesday I did Yoga X.” “Exactly, it has been a few days since you have gotten a really tough workout in” (Side note: yes Yoga X is tough but it doesn’t really get my heart rate up). Since I felt immediately better after I did my workout of the day I think he was right. I am probably addicted to working out!

“Expected” results:

Of course I was expecting some results from p90x. However, after trying and failing at many other exercise programs I never would have thought these results would be possible for me. My abs look better than they ever have in my life!
This is a picture of me at age 21. I love that my abs look better than they did four years ago!

What I would change if I could do this again:

I would have taken better before photos, and taken more measurements. The only reason why I didn’t do this was due to an initial lack of confidence in myself that I would complete the 90 days! I think the “before” photos are critically important to set the mindset that how you look in those photos is in the past, because you are committed to getting healthier.(You may have noticed my "before" photo says Sept 2011, that is because I didn't take a picture right before I started! Doh! But honestly, I wasn't working out or eating healthy so that is how I looked at Day 1.)

I would have followed the p90x nutrition plan. Since I didn’t think I would initially get through the 90 days I didn’t start with the nutrition plan. During this process I really struggled with my diet. I definitely improved over the 90 days, but I know my results would have been much more significant if I had actually followed a diet plan!

While my diet still has room for improvement, it has significantly improved due to Shakeology. I would honestly be lying to you if I said these results were only from p90x. Shakeology has greatly contributed to my results. Why? Because it is a nutrient-packed guilt-free chocolate milkshake! It tastes amazing so it helps with my chocolate cravings and it helps curb my appetite, because my body is finally getting the nutrients it needs. I finally started to notice weight loss after day 30 once I added in Shakeology. Click here for more information about Shakeology!

Where do I go from here?

The most common question I get is what I will do next. Or are you going to do something after this? To which I answer “of course!” My involvement with Beachbody has been truly life changing. I never would have made it through the 90 days without the support of my fellow coaches. I like the person I am now so much more than the person I was 90 days ago, so I have no plans to stop. Up next, I still have results I want to see in my thighs so I am going to do Brazil Butt Lift for 30 days. Then, hopefully soon after that I plan to do the Beachbody Ultimate Reset.

If you would like some support and accountability on your fitness journey I would love to help! Email me at ulyssesfitness@gmail.com or “follow” my Facebook page.


  1. I am on week two of P90x...(Yeah, just a fledgling!) I read above that P90x didn't produce the results in your thighs that you wanted so you are doing the Brazil Butt Lift. Did you see any results at all with the P90x in the thighs and butt? Those are my two main focus areas along with building more strength overall.

    1. Awesome! Have you taken your before photos? p90x gave me results I was very happy with in my thighs and butt. I lost about two inches off each thigh. I just wanted to take it to the next level by doing Brazil Butt Lift to really focus on my thighs since they are my problem area. So, basically I wanted to see more results in my thighs so I decided to do Brazil Butt Lift! I hope that helps. :)
