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I'm Nicole, I am a full time student trying to get back on track with my fitness and I am hoping to help others do the same.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why "NOT" me!

I have been doing a bunch of personal development lately and one I did recently really struck a cord with me and I wanted to share my reflections. As I listened to Craig Holiday’s “Why NOT you” I began to realize that my attitude was the difference in the areas of my life where I have been successful and those areas I am still struggling with and make excuses.

Maybe it is my optimistic Popular Sanguine personality or growing up in the Harry Potter generation where the trials you encounter in your life make you stronger. But I never realized until watching this video that I have always thought why NOT me regarding the trials I have faced in my life, and that is why I have been successful. Most people would look at my socioeconomic status and wonder how did she become a (future) dentist? And now I finally know. I always believed that I didn’t have a choice, I had to become successful. And all of the things I had to work for myself that were just handed out to others would only make me a stronger person. That is the key, I didn’t think “why me”, I thought “why NOT me” and moved on from there.

The same thing happened when I got cancer at the age of 23. Did I have moments of “why me”? Of course! (especially when I saw people my age smoking. UGH).  But still I honestly thought if there is some sort of balance in this world and my having cancer prevented some child from having cancer then this will all have been worth it. I just knew I would be stronger for having gone through this. So I just tried to be optimistic and use my situation to make jokes. People were amazed at how positive I was that some of them actually thought it was easy. I got comments like, "I'm really glad it wasn't that bad for you." And I just wanted to grab them by the shoulders, shake them and say "are you freaking kidding me?!" I lost my hair, passed out every night at 7 pm, gained weight, and had to have toxins pumped into my blood on a weekly basis. And I had to worry about passing my graduate classes at the same time. Just because I was positive doesn't mean it was easy.  But still, I think my attitude is why I was able to stay in school while going through chemotherapy. Now I can look back and say, if I can do that I can do anything.

My attitude made a huge difference with my success doing p90x. How do I know this? Because I tried p90x once with the “why me” attitude and stopped after three weeks! The first time I tried p90x I thought “I’m out of shape because I did chemo”. The next time I got the support and accountability I needed from Beachbody and I was much more successful because I changed my attitude. I stopped thinking “why me” about my physical condition and how chemotherapy negatively impacted that. So, even though chemotherapy made my asthma worse, probably damaged my heart and made me chubby I focused on the positive. I realized that if I did this and truly committed to it I could be in better shape than I was before I started chemotherapy. Despite all of the negative impacts it had on my body. In fact that is what drove me to do this. I just took the “why NOT me” attitude and realized that I would have to work harder due to the limitations chemotherapy put on my body. But that was just a fact and not something that would stop me from achieving my goals.

So, during my second round of p90x did I whine about doing my workouts? Of course! Just ask my boyfriend (I believe the term “whambulance” was used). But I changed my attitude from making excuses for myself as to why I wouldn’t succeed to just realizing that I will have challenges but I had no choice in that matter. I was going to see this program to the very end. No matter how much I whined about it, it didn’t make a difference: I was going to do my workout that day.

I finally realized that this is what I have been struggling with when it comes to motivating certain people. They tell me they want to change but they give me a huge list of excuses. I struggle with this, because I truly believe in them and what they can achieve, but it is tough for me when they don’t believe it themselves. I don’t know your “why me’s” so I only see you as you are, with all of your potential. When I tell you I believe in you, I promise you that it is sincere. Feel free to email me at ulyssesfitness@gmail.com or add my Facebook page.

Helping people achieve their goals is so rewarding to me, so I'd love to help you! I want to help you write your own success story and give you the support and accountability that Beachbody provides!


  1. wow, this was an amazing post. I found you on tumblr, I saw your before and after pictures and though "WOW". And now that I'm reading about all your obstacles I'm just blown away by your attitude. You've inspired me. I got caught up in exams and papers and so I stopped working out after 40 Days of Insanity. I'm counting my losses and starting anew with P9oX today. Thank you for motivating me!

    1. Thank you so much! Your comment made my day! What is your Tumblr screenname? I'd love to "follow" you. If you ever have any questions about p90x I'd love to help. Good luck with p90x!

  2. Well my real tumblr is "etiamatque" but my fitness tumblr is "working-out" (I didn't have to time to be creative)

  3. I have so much trouble finishing the P90X workouts when I begin (yes I have began many times over and over). Is it normal to not be able to finish? Are there things I can do to help this? What else do you recommend for losing weight? I know eating healthy, but I have tried running many times and I am always out of breath and my legs get so heavy, so I end up stopping. I was hoping that p90x would help this, but I can't seem to even finish one workout....

    1. Thanks for the comment. What do you mean when you say you are not able to finish? Do you lose motivation or do you mean you physically can't finish the video? Depending on your fitness level I would recommend a couple of different things. Remember p90x is an advanced workout. So if you can't complete a workout I would recommend a more introductory workout such as Slim in 6 or Power 90. If you want to do p90x I would say either pause the tape for a minute. Or just keeping the video playing even if you can't do the moves, because they may do a move you can do later.

      I would also really recommend Shakeology, it helped me get better results and I have a few customers who haven't changed their exercise habits at all and have still lost weight.
      (Do you feel like you are wheezing when you run? If so you may want to talk to your doctor to see if you have asthma. I finally realized I have exercise induced asthma and exercising is so much better now!)

      If you would like to send me a private message my email is ulyssesfitness@gmail.com or you could add my Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/UlyssesFitness
