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I'm Nicole, I am a full time student trying to get back on track with my fitness and I am hoping to help others do the same.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cake Batter Coconut Milk Ice Cream

  I love homemade ice cream. So, I know this is a health/fitness blog; I am not encouraging you to eat ice cream. I am just trying to be realistic, because I know there are other people out there who will be making ice cream so I just wanted to show you a tasty way to substitute that will really cut down on the calories. Lately, I have been substituting coconut milk for heavy cream in my homemade ice cream and it really cuts down on the calories. Here is a nutrition comparison of 1/3 cup of each product:

Size comparison 1/3 cup
fat g
carbs g
protein g
Heavy cream
Coconut milk

This is also a great recipe for those of you who are like me and are lactose intolerant.

1 can (14 oz) full-fat coconut milk
1 ¼ cups soymilk (can be substituted with equal parts dairy milk)
¼ cup sugar
½ cup cake mix
1 ½ tablespoon vanilla extract

  1. Whisk all ingredients in a medium bowl
  2. Add to ice cream maker
  3. If you want to add anything like sprinkles or chocolate chips, add those in the last five minutes of mixing.

Tip: this ice cream melts fast, so I put my glass containers in the freezer when I start so they are nice and cold when I am done. Next time I will do that with my bowls too!

Taste: Yes, this is made with coconut milk so it has a bit of a coconut undertone which I love. Also, the texture is a bit more “icy” when compared to heavy cream.


Please let me know if there are any healthy substitutes that you have heard of or like to use! I love to experiment with recipes!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! I'm glad you like the idea! I hope you enjoy it if you make it!
